This is how Mike responded to me listing the various days that I would be at scrap events this month. They're always on Friday nights, and I have 3 events to attend monthly. One is not mine, and I don't like to miss it. One is my monthly Christmas Card club, and even he agrees I can't skip that. One is a monthly layout "class" at my place. And every other month I go to a 4th event. Friday
used to be "date night." He has a valid point about my "yenta schedule," as he would call it!
In response, I have revised the monthly layout "class." I think it's better for everyone. It's $20, and for that you get a CTMH Level II paper pack of your choice, a template for 6 layouts, and a cutting guide to make those layouts as shown. Everything is delivered to your door/email. Every few months the local gals can get together over here and "finish those layouts!" Cuts down on Fridays I'm booked, cuts down on finding a sitter so often, and allows everyone to pick the pack(s) that suits their own styles. There's a new set of templates each month with a cutting guide specific to them, you can participate when you want - it isn't a "club" so there are no obligations. You can order the extra embellishments for the pack (additonal cost)...or not.
What do you think?
(BTW, since the CTMH order is sent right to you you don't have to be local to if you ever feel like joining in just send me an email and I'll give you the details you'll need!)
As always, thanks for looking! Hope to have a creation to share next time!